I received a little gift a couple of weeks ago. Not in the usual way – wrapped up and beribboned. It came as a reminder. I was accepted as a reviewer for the Sacramento Book Review. When the list arrived for me to choose my first books, I found a new Chris Crutcher book and requested it along with three others. When it came, I dove right in. My review hasn’t been published yet, so I won’t write about that book here until after the review has appeared, but the gift was I was reminded what an incredible writer Chris Crutcher is. From my perspective, in the world of Young Adult writing, Chris Crutcher is a god. Maybe even THE GOD. I’m serious.
I started recommending Crutcher's books to my students. Then I bought multiple copies and used them for my end-of-the-year novel projects and kept copies in my classroom library. They disappeared and I bought more. I understood. Kids didn’t want to return them. They wanted to have them and read them over and over. Great writing will do that for kids.
The first story in Athletic Shorts, a collection of six well-crafted, tight short stories, “A Brief Moment in the Life of Angus Bethune,” will introduce you to an extremely intelligent young man with problems hanging off his problems, like love handles hanging over a tight belt. His parents are divorced, gay, and remarried to gay partners. And he, like his parents in one way, is big. Not just big. Enormous. At least from his point of view. And since his is the only point of view we have, we are convinced he is huge. “Really, I’m surprised someone in my family doesn’t have a trunk. Or a blowhole.” And, he is quick to point out, he is named after a cow. A cow! Chris Crutcher just cracks me up. Through a nasty trick by a handsome, rich, perfect football star (who maybe isn't so perfect after all) who hates him, Angus is elected Prom King. And the girl of his dreams, all of his dreams forever, is elected Prom Queen. He arrives at the dance and, “eyes straight ahead on the band, walking lightly on the balls of my feet, like Raymond Burr through a field of dog-poop sundaes” he makes his way into the dance. I won’t ruin it for you. It’s worth your time to get the book and find out what happens. I just wanted to give you a taste. Give yourself a break and read Athletic Shorts.
Reading books is the best way for me to become a better writer. I'm working on a re-write of my first book, Family Matters, and since it's YA, reading Chris Crutcher is the best (and most fun) thing I can do to make that book the best it can be. I’ll be reading Deadline next, and I’ll let you know how it is, although I think it’s safe to say, it will be time well spent.
Congratulations on being selected as a reviewer. I look forward to a lot of good hints like this one!
Thanks, Morgan. I'm looking forward to reading a lot of good books and getting some good writing practice in.
Just finished talking to a friend about teachers who read to their students. Of course, I'm talking about the middle grades, when the spoken vocabulary exceeds the words that can be read. However, your review makes me think that some of these short stories should be read aloud in class--a shared listening experience! I especially realize how much YOU like sports. I can see why Crutcher would appeal to you. You even made me like baseball.
Nice to hear from you! Glad to know I made you like baseball. ;-) I agree some of these short stories would be great to read to kids in the classroom. I always read to my students. I don't think a teacher can ever do too much of that. I don't care if the students are gnarly, gangster students, they still love to be read to!
Congratulations, Mom! I didn't know you were writing for the Sacramento Book Review. They're lucky to have you. I've never heard of Chris Crutcher before, but maybe I'll borrow a book sometime. XOXO
Thanks. Being on the review board for SBR is something I promised myself I would do for a long time, so I'm happy to now be part of it. Chris Crutcher is all that and a bag of chips! Borrow a book any time, and think of him when you are working with teenagers. He's there for them.
Hi Rosi just wanted you to know that I appreciate you writing on Enter the between on my Fri guest blog. Dorothy Ann Skarles
Thanks, Dorothy. I enjoyed reading your post. Please stop by and read my blog when you can.
Hi Rose:
I join the many others in saying congratulations on being selected as a revieqwer.
Dave Barnes
Thanks for stopping by, Dave. Nice to hear from you. I'll be posting links to my reviews, so you can check to see if I do a good job for SBR.
Great post, Rosi,
I heard Chris speak at an SCBW&I conference in Rocklin a few years ago, and got interested in one of his books (Chinese Handcuffs). I write for younger kids than he does, but I can see why he would grab older kids. How nice that you are reading him while writing your own sports YA with an angst-filled kid.
Yikes! How did I miss that? I would love to see him speak and perhaps have a chance to meet him. Maybe he'll come back someday. Yes, he's a real role-model for me with my YA book.
Well, Rosi, congratulations on being selected as a book reviwer for Sacramento Book Review. I'm sure the work it will require will pay itself back over and over in ways you may only come to appreciate in the future. You have introduced me to a writer I have never heard of before, since I read very little YA, but Chris Crutcher will stay in my radar. How nice for him to have readers such as you to pass the word on.
Congratulations on the reviewing job! And I agree, Crutcher is da BOMB! Thank you for this post.
Hi Rosi,
Congratulations from me too on the reviews. It will be fun to read the books and write about them. I heard Chris Crutcher speak at a conference once and he was amazing!
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